Grow Your Business Online - The Future is NOW!

Global Web site Consultants
Michael Hagerty Online Internet Marketing Consulting Eliminates the Confusion

At Michael Hagerty Online Internet Marketing, our goal is to help clients maximize their businesses by leveraging Internet technologies to gain a competitive advantage. We provide customized, realistic, and business-driven solutions. Our consulting principles are based on thorough research, analysis, and our years of online marketing experience.

Internet Strategy Development

We look at the big picture and how Internet technologies can be utilized to expand your customer base. We also look for ways you can increase the lifetime value of each of your customers. Michael Hagerty Online Internet Marketing uncovers opportunities and opens marketing channels for businesses so they can expand and grow by fully utilizing the Internet.

Internet Marketing

The key to successful online marketing is to have your business's information appear exactly when current and potential customers are searching for a solution. Internet marketing is very different from a shotgun approach that delivers your marketing message to thousands who have no interest in your product or services. Unlike traditional marketing such as radio or print, Internet marketing allows you to focus your marketing dollars precisely on your target market.

If you're selling flowers, Internet marketing allows you to use keyword phrases that match the words potential customers use when they're searching for a florist online. With traditional media, your marketing message is delivered to everyone, whether they're interested in buying flowers or not! Properly developed Internet marketing strategies allow you to focus specifically on your target market. Contact Us Today About Growing Your Business Online


Attract, retain, and convert qualified traffic to your eCommerce storefront with Michael Hagerty Online Marketing! Thorough planning, research, and strategic consideration coupled with our technological expertise can help boost sales and generate increased revenue.

Future Potential

In order to understand what your business must do to increase market share using the Internet, you must examine exactly where you are today. Michael Hagerty Online Marketing can provide you with a no-holds-barred examination of your current online presence and your utilization methods.

We have dramatically increased sales for our clients by properly re-packaging and strategically marketing existing websites. Currently and in the future, the Internet will be a critical component to all businesses. The sooner you establish your properly developed web presence and start marketing strategically, the greater the short and long term benefits to your business will be. Contact Us Today and Let's Get Started!

Why Having a Website is Important:
  • A website can increase sales and introduce your business to new customers
  • Provides an informational portal to your business 24/7
  • Allows you to share information and advice in your speciality
  • Expands your marketing reach regionally and globally
  • Permits you to foster a online relationship with your customers
  • Having a website is one of the best ways to grow your business
  • A Website can answer the same questions over and over and over....Automatically!
Tags: Global,consulting,business,online presence,internet strategy,marketing